Fraser’s First Time – Fraser’s Fun House
I really enjoy reading Blogger Tag's and finding out more about the people behind the blogs I follow. Recently I have seen two of my favourite bloggers, Jenny and Jess complete the First Time tag and I enjoyed reading their answers so much it inspired me to give it a go. So here are my…
Ultimate Summer 2018 Playlist – Fraser’s Fun House
It’s been a week since I arrived back from my sunny break in Palma Nova and already it’s feels like a distant memory! In an effort not to lose that holiday feeling just yet I shared my hand luggage essentials earlier in the week and today I thought I would share the playlist I created and…
Room 101: Parenting Edition – Fraser’s Fun House
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could banish things we no longer wanted to a room never to be seen again? To push them down a dark corridor to be locked away for eternity? Well that’s exactly what people have been doing since the mid-90’s on the TV series Room 101 so I know it’s…
Six Months Of Blogging: The Blogging Community – Fraser’s Fun House
The 21st April marked the six-month anniversary of Fraser’s Fun House and although we are well into May now I wanted to mark this milestone, even if it is a little belated! I created this blog after procrastinating for what now seems like forever and to be perfectly honest I didn’t think anyone would be…
37 Things I Have Learnt In 37 Years – Fraser’s Fun House
Today I turn 37 (GULP!), a mere three years from the big 4-0! How is it then that inside I still feel like that 18-year-old who went out dancing until the early hours and yet still managed to get to work for 8am fresh-faced and hangover free? Unfortunately, my body has other ideas and at…
Starting School: Where Has The Time Gone? – Fraser’s Fun House
Last week I received confirmation. The words there in black and white telling me which school our little man has been allocated to attend in September. Even though I have known for the past (almost) five years that this day was on the horizon I genuinely can’t believe my baby boy will be starting school…
50 Things That Make Me Happy – Fraser’s Fun House
Inspired by fellow blogger Hello Bexa, I thought this post would be a wonderfully positive way to round off the week. Having recently read Bexa’s 50 Things That Make Me Happy it made me wonder how easy it would be for me to make a list of 50 things that make me happy, so I…
Lazy Day TV Shows – Fraser’s Fun House
Pre-children I dreamt of travelling the world, however nowadays my daydreams consist of me wishing for a few hours alone with the TV remote! With a lazy TV day being about as likely as me finding Harry Potter living in the under stairs cupboard, I started to dream about what I would actually watch if…
The Childhood Tag – Fraser’s Fun House
There are so many tags doing the rounds however I haven’t seen any specifically aimed at parenting bloggers. I was therefore thrilled when Emma made contact asking me if I would like to be one of the first to take part in the newly created Childhood Tag and I jumped at the chance to be…
Blogger Love Showcase – Fraser’s Fun House
Blogger Love Showcase is a series created by Emma from Em's World to help show support and spread love within the blogging community - which lets face it is what the blogging should be about. As a newbie blogger I was thrilled to be asked to take part in Emma's new series which will hopefully…
Our Love Songs Playlist – Fraser’s Fun House
February is the month of LOVE with Valentine’s Day at it’s heart, so I decided to make a playlist of my favourite Love songs to share with you. There are so many songs out there that people automatically associate with love and if you search for love themed playlists you often see the same one’s…
Our Top 10 Romantic Movies – Fraser’s Fun House
It’s February, the month of love, so it’s only appropriate to share my Top 10 romantic movies. I love watching movies of all genres, but romantic ones are by far my favourite. I’m a bit of an old romantic and for me you just can’t beat a love story. It doesn’t matter if you don't…
All About Me: 20 Questions – Fraser’s Fun House
In January I decided to write a number of posts All About Me to allow my readers to learn a little more about who I am. For this latest post I have decided to answer 20 ‘this or that’ style questions as I felt it was a quicker, snappier way than more traditional questions. I…
All About Me: (Some) of my favourite movies! – Fraser’s Fun House
Having always been a massive movie lover since the good old days of making the weekly trip to the video shop, it is with regret that since the birth of my youngest my movie time has all but disappeared! Despite this it’s still a topic that I love to discuss with friends and family, even…
All About Me: My Guilty Pleasures! – Fraser’s Fun House
Now that all the festivities of Christmas and New Year are over I thought I would share a little about me. I felt that I had not long started my blog when Christmas was suddenly upon us and my focus was pulled to writing about all things festive so I am returning to basics and…
All About Me : Me(l) from A to Z! – Fraser’s Fun House
As part of my New Year goals I decided to take my blog back to basics and use January as an opportunity for readers to find out a bit about me. I started my blog back in October ,however before I knew it Christmas was upon us and of course I wanted my content to…
Goodbye 2017……. – Fraser’s Fun House
It’s the last day of 2017 so I thought it only appropriate to reflect on my year and to set my self some goals/resolutions for 2018. My blog is still quite new and because the last month has been taken up with lovely Christmas themed posts I haven’t yet shared very much about myself- I…
Christmas Gifts – Fraser’s Fun House
This has been my first Christmas blogging and I have seen lots of post-Christmas blogs about the gifts everyone received. I have really enjoyed reading them all so I decided to jump on the band wagon! I received some really gorgeous gifts this year that have obviously had some real thought go into them and…
Our Top 10 Christmas Must Watch Movies! – Fraser’s Fun House
Christmas means MOVIES! There are so many to choose from and everyone has their own favourites that must be watched year in year out. I’d like to think as a massive movie and Christmas fan I have seen my fair share of those on offer so I set myself a challenge to whittle them down…
Our Tree Of Memories – Fraser’s Fun House
I’m sure by now loads of you that have your Christmas tree’s decorated and I personally love nothing more than walking down the street admiring them glistening and shining from the windows- it gives me a such a warm Christmassy feel! Nowadays though I am also able get my ‘fix’ by simply scrolling through Facebook…
Nothing beats Winter ! – Fraser’s Fun House
I’m often greeted by a sharp intake of breath followed by utter disbelief when I say to people that I’m not a fan of Summer and that my favourite season is Winter. As a person whose body temperature seems to have set itself to hot even on the coldest of days I just can’t think…
Welcome To The Fun House! – Fraser’s Fun House
Hello and welcome to Fraser's Fun House where the fun never ends! Let me tell you a little about us and the creation of this blog: Having blogged for a few months over on The Socialite UK I have really regained my passion and mojo for writing - previously with a very active toddler the thought of…