The Fall Tag – Fraser’s Fun House
Autumn is just flying past as we whizz our way toward Christmas! However, fear not there’s still some time to get into the Fall spirit and today’s post might just help. Hannah from Hannah’s Bookshelf kindly tagged me last week to complete the Fall Tag and I was thrilled as it’s been a while since…
Fraser’s Fun House Turns One! – Fraser’s Fun House
Today marks a year since I uploaded my first post to Fraser’s Fun House and I can hand on heart say it has flown past. It’s crazy to think how far my little corner of the internet has come in just 12 short months and the volume of knowledge I have gained along the way…
Why I started Blogging – Fraser’s Fun House
Unlike many Blogger’s I can’t say that I spent years or months contemplating writing a blog. However, my passion for writing is something that has been a part of me for as long as I can remember. In fact, if I’m completely honest until 18 months ago Blogging wasn’t even on my radar, I knew…
Random Facts About Me – Blogger Q &A – Fraser’s Fun House
I absolutely love finding out more about my fellow bloggers and there's no better way than taking part in one of the wonderful tag posts which regularly do the rounds. Many thanks to Darren who runs Days Out Now, a fabulous site for which I am a proud Brand Ambassador, for the nomination. If you…
Blogging: How I’m Staying Organised – Fraser’s Fun House
With the youngest of the Fraser clan starting school in September I really want to take the opportunity to focus on my blog. I’m extremely lucky that my new job means I work early mornings leaving me plenty of time (in theory) to spend blogging whilst he is at school without infringing on family time.…
The Mystery Blogger Award: Round Two – Fraser’s Fun House
It’s been a while since I was nominated for any of these blogger awards so many thanks for Jo from Pickle & Poppet for tagging me! If you haven’t already make sure you check out Jo’s blog it’s full of wonderful lifestyle and parenting posts - be sure to check out my guest post while…
Six Months Of Blogging: The Blogging Community – Fraser’s Fun House
The 21st April marked the six-month anniversary of Fraser’s Fun House and although we are well into May now I wanted to mark this milestone, even if it is a little belated! I created this blog after procrastinating for what now seems like forever and to be perfectly honest I didn’t think anyone would be…
The Childhood Tag – Fraser’s Fun House
There are so many tags doing the rounds however I haven’t seen any specifically aimed at parenting bloggers. I was therefore thrilled when Emma made contact asking me if I would like to be one of the first to take part in the newly created Childhood Tag and I jumped at the chance to be…
Blogger Love Showcase – Fraser’s Fun House
Blogger Love Showcase is a series created by Emma from Em's World to help show support and spread love within the blogging community - which lets face it is what the blogging should be about. As a newbie blogger I was thrilled to be asked to take part in Emma's new series which will hopefully…
The Sunshine Blogger Award – Fraser’s Fun House
Having only been blogging for a few months I feel very privileged to have been nominated for yet another Blogger recognition, this time The Sunshine Blogger Award. I would like to thank the wonderful Christina from StinaSphere for my nomination. Christina is a 20-something lifestyle and beauty blogger, her site is full of wonderful make…
The Versatile Blogger Award – Fraser’s Fun House
I have only been writing my blog a little over two months and in that time I have had the pleasure to meet and get to know so many lovely people within the blogging community, it’s such a warm and welcoming place. Lena's blog, Lenadeexo is one of the first I started to follow when…
2017 Liebster Blogger Award – Fraser’s Fun House
Thank you so much to Rachel for nominating me for The Liebster 2017Award, as a newbie blogger it means so much to have the opportunity to take part. Rachel and I started blogging at a similar time and she was a massive help to me when I set up my site. I love reading her…
Bloggers Tribe – Christmas Tag – Fraser’s Fun House
Being a newbie blogger I am thrilled to have been tagged by the lovely Emma @bookinggoodread for the Blogger's Tribe Christmas Tag. I adore Christmas and consider myself a real Christmas Nut - I drive my family crazy talking about it! - so these questions are right up my street! I'm really getting into the…
The Mystery Blogger Award – Fraser’s Fun House
I have been nominated for The Mystery Blogger award by the Rachel – be sure to check out her blog I have really enjoyed finding out all about her, I love how her posts are so open and honest. This is my first blog award nomination as I have only been blogging on a…