Loon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The loons or divers are a group of aquatic birds found in many parts of North America and northern Eurasia.
Do Diving Birds Have a Breaking Point? - Audubon
Gannet necks don't buckle under pressure easily-scientists are learning just how much force this bird can handle.
The RSPB: Birds by Family: Divers
A small family of large water birds, with three species regularly seen in the UK (two of which breed) plus one rare vagrant from northern Asia (the white-billed diver). There is another similar species (the Pacific loon) in North America.
The Complete Guide to British Birds: Divers and Grebes
The red throated diver is an exceptional swimmer both on and below the water's surface and is one of only four species of diver or loon, as they are known in North America, in the world
BioKIDS - Gavia Immer - Common Loon
BioKIDS - Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species, the loon.
Loon - Bird - Britannica
any of five species of diving birds constituting the genus Gavia, family Gaviidae. Loons were formerly included, along with the grebes, to which they bear a superficial resemblance, in the order Colymbiformes, but they are considered to constitute their own separate order.
Arctic Loon - Gavia Arctica - ARKive
Learn more about the Arctic loon with amazing Arctic loon videos, photos and facts on ARKive.
Common Loon, Identification - All About Birds
Learn how to identify Common Loon, its life history, cool facts, sounds and calls, and watch videos. The eerie calls of Common Loons echo across clear lakes of the northern wilderness.
World's Weirdest: "Missile" Birds
Capable of diving at 60 miles per hour, cape gannets are nature's missiles. They're just as deadly underwater, where they can pursue prey at depths of up to 40 feet.
The RSPB: Great Northern Diver
The largest of the UK's divers, it has a bigger, heavier head and bill than its commoner relatives. It is largely a winter visitor to our shores although some non-breeding birds stay off northern coasts in the summer.
Great Northern Loon - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Wikipedia's information about the great northern loon.
Black-throated Loon - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Wikipedia's information about the black-throated loon.