Multiplayer Online Battle Arena - Wikipedia
Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), also known as action real-time strategy (ARTS), is a subgenre of strategy video games that originated as a subgenre of real-time strategy, in which a player controls a single character in a team who compete versus another team of players.
What are the best MOBA games for PC?
What are the best MOBA games for PC? - Slant - PC Games
Which MOBA is right for you?
Which MOBA is right for you? - PC Games
Best Free Moba Games List!
The top free to play MOBA games list to download. Only some MOBAs make the cut. Expect Multiplayer Online Battle Arena games like Dota 2 League of Legends or Smite.
Best MOBA Games of 2018
With so many MOBAs out, it's hard to find the rose amongst the thorns. But don't worry; here's our choice of the best MOBA games to play in 2018!
Browsing MOBA
Browse the newest, top selling and discounted MOBA products on Steam.
MOBA games: A literature review - ScienceDirect
This article aims to perform a literature review of the available research that focuses strictly on MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) games.
The 15+ Most Popular MOBA Games 2018
Gamers everywhere, we're ranking the most popular MOBA games in 2018. Featuring both old and new games, this list of the most played MOBA games right now.
Why Are MOBA Games like League of Legends So Popular?
Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas, or MOBAs, refer to a very specific subset of top-down, team-based strategy titles. Despite humble beginnings as a modded offshoot of real-time strategy games.