Strong Root - a drug for drooping potency most popular products for men's health with an efficiency of 99.98% It is produced from high quality vegetable raw materials, from the natural animal and sea material using ancient Tibetan secret techniques that have only been used for centuries the emperors of China used at their disposal.
As the ancient Chinese wisdom says, every man has the right to great erectile strength, to do his duty and not to disappoint his wife. Most men are unable to enjoy sex or do their duty.
Strong Root Description
According to research by American professors on erection and the stamina to achieve orgasm in men and women, different. Men achieve orgasm with ejaculation, but women need longer intercourse. According to statistics, an average of 58% of women need 8 minutes of coitus to reach orgasm, 35% need 12 minutes. Unfortunately, over 75% of men will not be able to suppress ejaculation after 3-6 minutes of intercourse due to their high level of arousal. This leads to the possibility of a lack of orgasm in a woman, which certainly affects the quality of sexual intercourse.
type of application
One white and one black capsule are taken 10-30 minutes before sexual intercourse, warm water. To increase the general vitality of men and to prevent impotence and prostatitis, take every 5 days before bed. Possible contraindications: individual intolerance to individual components. Before use, it is recommended to consult a specialist
The remedy for potency Strong Root - Chinese roots for high blood pressure, heart failure and diabetes. Does not contain toxic components and does not cause side effects.
Strong Root for 10-30 minutes before making love, and remains in effect for up to 120 hours or 5 days. Re-use of sexual enhancers is not permitted earlier than after 24 hours! Thanks to the prolonged effect of one pack, consumption is sufficient for 1-2 months.